Our testimonies should be opportunities to preach the risen Christ to all men.
Acts 3:12-26
Beloved in the Lord, when Jesus was raised back to life, He appeared to His disciples severally and gave them commands. He had given to Peter in one of the occasions, the charge to "take care of His sheep". But He also told them to wait for the power of the Holy Spirit, to descend upon them after He must have ascended to Heaven. When He ascended, He kept His promise of sending down the Holy Spirit to His followers to empower them for service. Peter was regularly going to the temple with the others for prayers and it was during afternoon prayers that together with John, they had the encounter with the lame man at the Beautiful gate. By the power in the name of Jesus, this man got healed at the command of Peter. As a result of this great miracle, many people in amazement came to see Peter and John as the lame man who was now well, held onto them. So, Peter used the opportunity to preach the risen Lord.
In our text, Peter who was filled with the Holy Spirit took his audience from the known to the unknown. They acknowledged Abraham as their ancestor but rejected Jesus. So Peter told the story of salvation from Abraham to Jesus, and how the prophets had foretold the coming of this messiah whom they killed. After pointing to them their sin of despising the King of glory, he called them to repentance. In verse 19, he assured them of the mercy of God, that if they only repent and turn to God, He will forgive them and times of refreshing will come to them, from the Lord. Hallelujah!
Dearly beloved, are you still living in sin? Today is the day of repentance and now is the time. Cry to God and ask for mercy, forsake your evil ways and turn to the Lord and moments of refreshing will come on you from the throne of grace.
What have you received as a blessing from the risen Lord? As people join you to celebrate, do you see it as an opportunity to win more souls for God? Our testimonies should be opportunities to preach the risen Christ to all men.
You are a witness to the great works of redemption which our Lord Jesus has brought to mankind. You are called to tell others about Christ, to call them to repentance.
As you step out this day, use every opportunity to make Christ known to all men, so that the wicked may turn from their wicked ways and live in righteousness and holiness before God, all the days of their lives. Use every opportunity today, to preach Christ in your home, at your business place, in your office and at your job site.
Tell the whole world that though Jesus was killed, God raised Him back to life and though He was buried, not even the grave could hold Him captive. As such, those who believe in Him, have a new life of victory over evil, death and the works of Satan.
Thank you, Lord God Almighty, for giving us life today. We are grateful that you keep lifting our faith up every day, by drawing us closer to yourself. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit our Comforter and Helper. By the power of the Holy Spirit in us, we can exercise authority in the name of Jesus and miracles follow. Help us to keep telling the world of the Salvation which you brought to humanity by sending your only Begotten Son so that anyone who believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Lead me to some soul today oh Lord that I may win more souls for your glory. Amen
Rev Mrs Ntsam Emelda Bih